We are Mold Assessment Consultants, which is the only license level in the state of Texas able to perform both testing, remediation protocols and sign offs on remediation. We are also licensed to provide Certifications required by many for flooded homes.
Call us now to schedule your test and get certified! 832-699-3025

Nationspec offers cutting edge mold inspections, utilizing the top tools in the trade to aid in finding mold, water, and possible moisture intrusion areas.
We set the bar and have pioneered post flood checks with our combination moisture and mold inspections.
Certify Dry and Clear!
Why are Mold Inspections important?
Mold that is undetected within homes can grow and produce allergens, irritants, and potentially toxic substances (mycotoxins). Inhaling or touching mold or mold spores can cause some people to experience allergic reactions. Such responses include hay fever-type symptoms, sneezing, red eyes, runny nose, and skin rash. Allergic reactions to mold are very common. Asthma attacks can also be caused by mold in people who are allergic to mold or have asthma.

How is a Mold Inspection performed?
A mold inspection utilizes visual observations as well as air testing using a spore trap. Mold growth can occur almost anywhere within your home if the right conditions exist.
What is included in a Mold Inspection?
Our mold inspections include a visual inspection assisted by the use of bio air samplers, spore traps, thermal imaging, moisture meters and hygrometers. We will evaluate your home and look for water intrusion, water leaks, and areas of previous water penetration. Included with every mold inspection is a written report detailing the results of the Mold Inspection, and a copy of the laboratory results from the samples taken within the home. If you also choose a combination moisture inspection, we will use wall cavity probes and additional testing to check for high moisture levels.